Time changes perspective. Men Fall in Love Depending on how long something is supposed to last, attention is paid to completely different characteristics.
If you are going to live abroad, you will probably choose a noisy international resort for a week’s vacation in Spain, but if you were to live there for another thirty years, you would rather not hear drunk Germans under your window 365 days a year.
The same applies to matchmaking, so weekend loves and those YourLatinMates.com who are foreseen for a place of honor in their future are divided by the expectation gap.
Only when we operate among Tinder matches, quick dates and even faster break-ups, we rarely remember it. And it is especially rarely remembered by women who regularly equate interest / meeting and the sentence: “We will live happily ever after.”
The problem is that men meet three types of women.
1. Women they sleep with and then delete their number
Almost all of Zosia and Krystyna’s upbringing on Hollywood shit think that relationships are about sex. This is where they try to mend relationships screwed up like Hiroshima. It is with his help that they explain why this eighth-floor hunk meets a blonde tipiara, and not a brunette with glasses. Women chase sexuality by spending half their salary on clothes and the other half on cosmetics, because if he wants them, you already have a starting point. Finally, they make their dating success dependent on him and form theories about relationships. For example, when he stopped speaking because you let yourself be kissed four minutes and fifteen seconds too fast, or that if you show interest in someone, they won’t respect you.
The most uncomfortable truth is that just whether a guy likes you doesn’t automatically mean he’ll see you as a partner. On the contrary, attractiveness alone means very little, Men Fall in Love because men, knowing they would not be refused or the long-term consequences of sex, would sleep with almost any woman. Do you know why? Because in the perspective of one night, it is enough for men that a woman is available and wearing a sexy dress. However, with the prospect of spending years with YourLatinMates someone, men definitely prefer women who also have sexy brains.
2. The women they will be dating – Men Fall in Love
While the women described in the point above meet the necessary minimum of attractiveness, these women have additional advantages.
It is because of these advantages that men will introduce them to their friends and their mother. They will go on vacation with them, and on Valentine’s Day. The will buy a red, kitschy heart, because they can afford. It, and they cannot be creative anymore. They will plan the future with Men Fall in Love them (although they should nod and say, “Whatever you like, honey”). They will remember their birthdays and women’s day. Make excuses for lonely, drenched parties, and even beg for you to try again. They won’t do one thing – they won’t actively seek you to love them.
These are relationships like: “I love her, but …”. They are in the dark zone between “Fuck Yes” and “No”. On a scale of 10, they get strong 5 – good enough not to want to spoil them, but definitely too weak to enjoy.
This happens for a variety of reasons.
- You’re a great friend, but he can’t take you seriously
- Act like his overprotective mother who grumbles over his ear, eliminating any lust from the relationship
- you need care like a little sister
- Have a good character, but your professional and personal life is so mess up that when he thinks it would be part of his reality, he feels discomfort
- you have low self-esteem which makes living with you like living with an investigative agent.
In the short term, this is not a problem, but you think he wants to live the next 30 years on a leash, only running home from work and between the couch and Men Fall in Love the fridge? Do you think he wants to hear for 30 years that you have too big sides or too little thick hair? Do you think he wants to argue three times a week about little things that, on a scale of 1 to 100 significance, rarely exceed the number 5?
Most women think this doesn’t apply to them. Rather, the statistics say that we tend to have a better opinion of ourselves than we deserve. If so, what kind of women do men love?
3. The women they relate to
Men quickly learn one thing – that relationships are journalistic clickbaits like, “Nutritionists hate her! She discovered how to eat chocolate and lose weight! ”. They promise value, but once you click on them, it feels like you’ve stepped into dog poop.
They hope that the relationship is loyalty, sex, renovating. The apartment in caps made of Gazeta Wyborcza and jointly moving towards a bright future. Surprisingly often they also have to face someone else’s complexes and problems. They feel as if their future has been take from. Them or as if they are constantly being monitored.
This is the moment when a guy comes to the conclusion that love is a trick female dog and stops thinking about women in terms of breast size and starts to wonder what kind of person you are.
Is she carefree and happy? – Men Fall in Love
Because when you go out on the street, you see so much shit that you want to have someone with you who smiles, is enthusiastic and more often says “Yes” than “It sure won’t work.”
Will he put a collar on me? – Men Fall in Love
All overwhelmed men like their lives. They have their rituals, goals and needs that they want to fulfill. And not feel like they have a red stamp stamp on them with the words: “Canceled. You’re in a relationship now.
Women think that when a man has freedom, he will behave like a dog off the leash. That’s why they put on collars and tighten the leashes in their tiny, almond-shaped hands. Practice shows that they are right – men. Who are left free often abuse it and make naive idiots out of their girlfriends. The problem is that those with collars always break off the leash. People need to be able to decide if they want to be with you. You have to trust that they will make the right decision, just as they have to believe that you will make it too.
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Is she mature? – Men Fall in Love
And I don’t mean he has a job, a mortgage and an orchid on the windowsill. Maturity is more than just collecting an ID card, because you can also be immature at the age of 46.
It is not easy to define maturity, but it manifests itself, for example, in the ability to look. At the situation with someone else’s eyes, by being aware of one’s own needs. By expressing one’s sexuality openly. They take care of their life (health, career, habits, shaping their character) because. They know that it will indirectly affect the lives of her partner and her children.